Happy Mother's Day!!! by Slidely Slideshow
I made this video to pay tribute to all the great Moms, mother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, Aunts, friends and neighbors who have influenced my life and made me a better person. And, I wanted to make something my kids could look back on to remember how the worst of times can become the best of times,
as far as growth goes. We managed to find rainbows, and lots of them, amid the storms. My kids were those rainbows, many times! I also want those who are moms, who hoped to be mothers, who are still wishing to be mothers, and even those who have not had children yet have been mothers to many, to know what a valuable roll you play, being part of the myriad of villages out there, raising children today, making the world a better place, one child at a time.
To all the birth moms and step moms------ you totally get it!! It's about willing doing your best, regardless of personal feelings and emotions, to put children first!
Being a mom is about sacrifice, and Katrina taught that best!!
Happy Mother's Day!