Saturday, December 15, 2018

Fear Not!

One of the very first messages of Christmas was given by the angel to a young mother-to-be, Fear Not!! I never realized what a gift this message must have to been to her..... is to me....... and to each of us! Fear not Mary, though the social pressures may mount, you may feel like you don't measure up, like your family is not the ideal. Fear not, being a mother is not easy. There will be those who bully your son, who don't accept him and who even seek to hurt him.... and that hurts you, it's hard being a mom, but Fear not!!! Fear not, for the physical challenges will be great, you may not have the home of your dreams, (an apartment would have been something she could only dream of, let alone a small house ---- yet we feel we need so much more!). Fear not Mary, you may feel judged........ perhaps even misunderstood. Fear not when the end result isn't what you worked for....... for with God, NOTHING is impossible!!  

Then, to the shepherds or should I say providers, given the same message from the angelic messenger that first Christmas night..... Fear not!! It must have been a challenge for those shepherds, to sacrifice their wages, a day or two's pay to travel to see the baby Savior. Perhaps that meant they went without a meal, without their night off or gave up some of their vacation days and put holiness first to follow the star? What an emotional roller coaster for them and for those who work today, juggling work responsibilities only to come home to more, all the while trying to "follow the star" ---- to keep things in balance, that others may know Him because they know us! Fear not --- Follow the star!
When I look back, no two Christmases are the same..... from being a child with wishes, hopes and dreams, to being homesick in the MTC. Then, Christmas in the mission field, France, so far away from home, yet I followed the star and the Savior I found!!! Christmas heartbroken to Christmas full of joy, waiting for that call from away. Christmas with marrieds and it's not your year to Christmas when everybody is near! The message is the same to all, Fear not....... for with God NOTHING is impossible! I testify He lives! He heals! He soothes the pain, calms the troubled and lifts up the hands that hang down. That's why He came that first Christmas night! So, Fear Not--- Let Him Inn!!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Knock on EVERY door --- Let Him Inn!!

This past Sunday I taught a lesson about Jesus Christ.  Simple as it may seem, I found my mind racing as I prepared.  I thought a lot about Christmas past, present and future.  I pondered about how Christ has become an integral part of my life.  I thought about a time when He was literally my only friend and source of strength.  A time when He was the only one I could possibly share the thoughts of my broken heart.  I thought about times when I was holding by a thread.......which is ok, when it is belongs to the garment of one Jesus Christ!  I realized for me, the harder the times, the stronger my bond with Him. 

I have thought about that first Christmas night.  A long journey, a donkey was the ride for this mother of the baby savior.  They arrive in Bethlehem and realize, labor is progressing, and young Mary and Joseph seek to find a place for the delivery of a king.  The scriptures say, "there was no room in the inn."  What???  No room for a young woman in labor? How could that be?  In my mind I envision a hard working carpenter, hands cracked and dry from his labor.  His wife, young and calm, after all, she was called to carry the Christ child.  They find the innkeeper and inquire if there is a room.  No signs in light indicating No Vacancy, no Google giving a heads up that each room is filled.  In there day, they simply inquire and then, set out to find the next suitable place.  And so, the Christ child is born in the most humble of circumstances, a barn, and laid to rest in a manger (for you French speakers, a feeding trough).  I have often wondered what would have happened if the innkeeper, or even Joseph, knocked on every door, or visited every cubicle of the inn?  What if they asked every one, "Could you spare your space tonight for the Savior?" "Could you change your schedule today, for the Savior." "Could you alter your evening plans for a couple in need, a woman in pain, the coming of the Savior?"  Perhaps, they knock and knock, they call and call to get the attention of those in the room.  Too distracted by goings on of the day to even notice the tired couple, a women who needs to rest and lie down, a newborn King a place to sleep? 

As times change, so must we!  Gone are days of the door without a knob and words, Let Him In!!!  We live in a self-centered world of distraction, instant gratification and "what's in it for me?".  And so, we must knock on every door and MAKE room Christ!  We must make an effort everyday to figure out a way to put off the distractions of the world, the lights, the shopping, the devices, social media and phones.  The decorating, the perfect family pictures, the comparisons and MAKE room for the Savior in our lives each and every day.  There IS time to read, study, ponder, pray and serve.  At first glance, our calendars are full, no room in the inn.  We can no longer be casual in our commitment to Him.  I know that as we knock and conquer and MAKE room for Him, He will open so many doors unto us there will not be room to receive the incredible Christmas spirit we are bathed in, not only the month of December, but......each and every day!  Knock every door.  Be flexible.  Reprioritize.  Do let a door go un-knocked, a day go by without making room for the Savior.  Find time and MAKE the Savior the center of your heart and your home, your thoughts and your actions.  Don't leave Him in the cold!  Don't put Him out to pasture!!  Knock!  Seek!  Find and Make Time for the Savior!!  Really, when you think about it, the real gift of Christmas is time!  The Shepherds put their flocks on hold, to go to the Savior.  The wise men truly were wise as MADE time and used their resources to come and see the Christ child.  This Christmas, I will give my time ---- in service, in thought and in prayer to Him whose birth we celebrate this Christmas season!  I will knock down my own barriers and distractions and MAKE room for Him!