Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Brand New Year

Happy New Years!!

For years, I had a very finicky furnace. It would run and randomly shut off at the worst time, during the coldest nights. And, the combination of a finicky furnace and old aluminum windows makes for very cold winter nights. Many mornings, I would role over before the sun would rise, and think to myself, "It's cold in here!" For quite a while, I thought it was just my broken heart attempting to beat again, for just another day. Then, I walked by the thermostat and realized the furnace wasn't running. I learned how to relight the furnace, and there were cold nights that I would make multiple trips up the flight of stairs, with my head lamp on and matches in hand, to relight the furnace and pray it would work just one more day. I needed the house to be warm for my kids. I would set my alarm a half hour before the kids would wake up, so that I could light the furnace and make sure the house was warm for each brand new day. It was New Year's morning. It had been a rough fall and a difficult holiday season. I woke up and my room seemed brighter than normal.... and warmer too. It had snowed a bit, and the glow of the rising sun reflecting off the newly fallen snow just illuminated my room and my heart. I made my way to the kitchen to begin a celebration breakfast for the kids, and on my way, I passed the thermostat. The heater had run ALL NIGHT long and the house was even warmer than I had ever remembered. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of a brand new day, a brand new year, and the warmth testified that a higher power was aware and in the details. I realized then and there that I may not be able to make a new "start" and erase my past, however, I COULD write an "ending" ---- I could choose to smile, to work, to be positive and focus on the warmth around me. The very next night, and many following, until the furnace received a complete overhaul, I made multiple midnight trips up those stairs to relight my finicky furnace. However, after my bright New Year's Day, I mounted those stairs with power and determination to create warmth around me, no matter what the sacrifice. I had the power!!

So, today, I was again blessed with a brand new day, a brand new year. And, this morning, I walked by the thermostat of my warm house, and for a minute, with a large lump in my throat, I looked towards heaven, thankful and determined.

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