Tuesday, November 13, 2012

They sang

We tend to usually think of the pioneers in the summer time. However, lately, I have found my mind wander to their experiences, as I have shoveled snow and bundled up to stay warm. "Pioneer children SANG as they walked and walked and walked and walked......and walked." It's motivating------ their feet freezing for the lack of shoes and socks---but they SANG. Brothers, sisters, parents and grand-parents passing away on the trail, digging graves to bury them in the snow--- but they SANG. Hungry, cold and lonely--- and they SANG. I'm sure most of them did not aspire to walk across the United States, to be cold, parentless and hungry at such a young age. But, they walked and they SANG. So, I post a picture of my pioneer shoes------ the perfect hot pink boots, just my size, from the local thrift store for only .99cents. In them, I walk to and from classes, shovel heavy snow off my driveway and wait on the porch for teenagers to return home from their events---alone. Though being a single parent is not the handcart I ever thought or desired. Nor did I aspire to be a full-time college student at age 46. And, waiting for and supporting teenagers is a job that was divinely designed for two------ it is MY handcart and it must be pushed. If I try to walk with my head hanging down, feeling sorry for myself, those hot pink boots make me smile..........They were .99 cents and just my size, because someone bigger is in charge. HE knew I needed them so I wouldn't slip. HE knew my size. HE knew I loved pink! HE knew they would make me smile and give me faith to keep walking. HE knew----- because HE knows me! HE is in the details of my life. I know it. The pioneers knew it. And I WILL SING!!!


  1. Oh my heck! You are so awesome. I feel so happy to have yu as a friend. I am so lucky to be inspired by you each time you post.

  2. Glad to have stumbled on your blog and to have our paths cross in life. It will be good to follow you in the future and hopefully even "do lunch" or something. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  3. You have a blog?! I'v so excited to go through your posts.

  4. You have done a great job with this. The colors are cute. The design is attractive and the photos are wonderful. I love your uplifting and inspiring words. Your testimony shines brightly. Thank you for the time and energy you spent putting this together. Double thumbs up:)
